Help us fill backpacks with healthy food to feed hungry kids on the weekends!

Every week during the school year we send backpacks home with elementary school kids in Bremerton. Many kids in our area depend on free lunch programs. The weekends can be challenging for kids and families facing food insecurity. Our mission is to address that gap and provide Bremerton’s children with healthy food for the weekends.

Bremerton School District employees tell us how many backpacks are needed for their school each week. We fill backpacks up with delicious food – including fresh fruits and veggies – and deliver them to the schools. Then, the backpacks are given directly to the kids that need them. Our backpacks provide our community with nutrition, while maintaining their privacy!

Our impact extends far beyond the backpacks we provide. With each backpack, we are breaking down barriers to success and building a stronger foundation for these children's futures.

By addressing the critical issue of weekend hunger, we are:

  • Proper nutrition is an essential ingredient for academic success. By ensuring that children have access to nourishing meals over the weekends, we are helping them stay focused, energized, and ready to engage in their studies. As a result, we are contributing to improved attendance, higher grades, and enhanced learning outcomes.

  • Nutritious food is not only essential for physical health but also for mental well-being. Our backpacks provide balanced meals that support children's growth, development, and emotional resilience. By reducing food insecurity, we are fostering a sense of stability and confidence in our young beneficiaries.

  • Our program brings together schools, families, volunteers, and local organizations, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. By collaboratively addressing the issue of childhood hunger, we are building stronger connections and empowering communities to work together for the well-being of their children.

  • Childhood hunger is often a symptom of larger systemic issues, including poverty. By providing consistent access to nutritious food, we are helping break the cycle of food insecurity and its potential long-term impact on these children's lives. We are investing in their potential, helping them break free from the constraints of poverty, and creating a path towards a brighter future.​

The Bremerton Backpack Brigade is the 2024 Beneficiary of The Social Soirée Kitsap!

How Can I Help?


The Bremerton Backpack Brigade is a 100% volunteer run organization.  We rely on volunteers like you to continue providing food to hungry kids.


The Bremerton Backpack Brigade relies on donations from our community to help feed kids and families in the Bremerton area.  Your donation of money or goods will directly impact a family in need.


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Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages and make sure to follow us to stay up to date on what is happening at the Brigade.  

Taking the time to share information with your friends helps to spread the word about the work we are doing!

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